Oh hey food blog, it's been a while. I'm sure the three people that read this occasionally wouldn't be too upset if I abandoned this page, but that's not the case. I've been busy with life for the past few weeks but I still want to maintain this page over the summer and update you on all the glorious food I'm experiencing.
So, if you do not know, I'm currently in the Bay Area in California, doing a summer internship. What this means: I'm around a ton of awesome food and produce, but nothing near a proper kitchen (my definition of a proper kitchen might be a bit insane, however). I'll continue to post whatever I manage to cook (if it looks interesting at all) and also maybe throw in some shots of great things I get out. Which is what I'm going to do now!
Strawberry Margarita. Ok, so no lime, so it was really more of an alcoholic slushie. Still, it was nice to sit down with this after a long afternoon of walking in San Francisco.
Great Indian take-out from some place in the Haight.